Bouquet of roses "Rhodes 101"
Bouquet of roses "Rhodes 101"
Bouquet of roses "Rhodes 101"
Bouquet of roses "Rhodes 101"
Bouquet of roses "Rhodes 101"

Bouquet of roses "Rhodes 101"

Composition: 101 Rhodes roses (Kenya), satin ribbon.
The design of the bouquet can be changed to a similar one if the necessary material is not available.

Please check availability.

Out of stock

For flowers and bouquets for pickup

Delivery terms

Courier to your home or office - 10 BYN within the Minsk Ring Road. Free from 100 BYN orders

Payment methods
  • Cashless payment on the site
  • Cash to the courier
  • Card to the courier

For flowers and bouquets for pickup

Delivery terms

Courier to your home or office - 10 BYN within the Minsk Ring Road. Free from 100 BYN orders

Payment methods
  • Cashless payment on the site
  • Cash to the courier
  • Card to the courier