Red roses

59 BYN1050 BYN
Composite bouquet "Latino"Composite bouquet "Latino"Featured
171.00 BYN
Composite bouquet No. 8Composite bouquet No. 8Featured
195.00 BYN
Bouquet of roses "Geneva"Bouquet of roses "Geneva"
from 59.00 BYN
Bouquet of roses "Rhodes 15"Bouquet of roses "Rhodes 15"
from 61.00 BYN
Composite bouquet "Cameron"Composite bouquet "Cameron"
74.00 BYN
Bouquet of roses "Velvet"Bouquet of roses "Velvet"
from 75.00 BYN
Bouquet of roses "Letter of Love"Bouquet of roses "Letter of Love"
from 75.00 BYN
Bouquet of roses "Salsa"Bouquet of roses "Salsa"
76.00 BYN
Bouquet of roses “Rhodes 19”Bouquet of roses “Rhodes 19”
from 77.00 BYN
Flowers in a box “Bordeaux 11”Flowers in a box “Bordeaux 11”
80.00 BYN

Red roses

It is with red roses that you can express your strong feelings and love. The catalog of our online store presents ready-made bouquets that contain red roses with different quantities and different lengths from 40 to 100 cm. You can purchase red roses in our store from various Belarusian greenhouses, plantations in Ecuador, Holland, and Kenya. In each product you can choose the required stem length, because some people like exceptionally long roses, while others prefer short ones of 40-50 cm.

Buy red roses with delivery

Would you like us to congratulate your loved ones or work colleagues? Don't have time to visit our store or are you in another country? Use the delivery service of red roses, and we will deliver to a time and place convenient for you within Minsk You can place an order by phone or write in any popular messenger. For those who are abroad, we have provided online payment using a bank card. All payments are made through a secure payment system service. Now you don’t have to leave your home to buy red roses; we will congratulate your family and friends, because we have a delivery service. For those who do not need delivery, we offer additional discounts when pre-ordering for pick-up in the amount of 10% of the cost of roses.