Multiple bouquet
Dolinaroz offers various bouquets, which may include: peonies, carnations, cotton, hydrangeas, peony roses and a variety of greenery. All our florists with experience and without any difficulties will repeat the bouquet from our catalog, and if you want an individual bouquet, contact our manager for more details.
What does it consist of?
As a rule, to compose a prefabricated bouquet, from 5 to 8 different flowers are used. For example: carnation, bush rose, eucalyptus, single-headed rose, alstroemeria.
All prefabricated and designer bouquets are decorated with stylish and unusual packaging. This can be either paper (craft is often used), or various new materials, film of various colors, foamiran, or silk.
Buy a prefabricated designer bouquet in Minsk
To place an order for a prefabricated bouquet, you can call us at +375 (44) 712-50-70, or place your order yourself in a few steps:
- Choose the bouquet you like
- Press the “buy” button
- Fill in the order information, check it, and click “Place order.”
Our store provides online payment for prefabricated bouquets using a bank card or through the ERIP payment system.
After placing an order on the website, you need to wait for confirmation by the manager, after which a letter will be sent to your email with a link to pay using a bank card, as well as instructions on how to pay for your order through ERIP.